Friday, January 9, 2009


I love the fresh, innocent perspective of children. God is right there beside them and they talk to Him like they talk to you and me. The other day, Emily was warbling at the top of her lungs (more than slightly off-key) singing about everything from wet diapers to Jesus Christ the Lord. She bounced into the kitchen and said, "Did you hear my pretty song? I was singing to Jesus." I thought about how often I only come to Him after I have tried to "sing" on perfect pitch and only when I have something really brilliant to say! Lord help me to have that childlike faith that can simply come to You as I am: off-pitch, everyday subjects and all. How You love to have your children REALLY talk to you. Help me to be REAL in my relationship with You. Can I hear a loud "AMEN" out there, anybody?
Timothy is really growing and eating and eating and eating... for those moms who nursed you know what this means: no rest for the wicked, and the righteous don't need none! Add to this the beginning of teething at only 3 months old and you can see why I refuse to change my profile picture. I would be completely unrecognizable - what with the wrinkles, straggly hair, dark, hollow eyes ... OK OK that is a little overkill, but I am feeling a bit goofy right now! HA HA Love to all and keep your heart in tune with Jesus. He's coming to get us soon and take us back for a day at His House. Just think, that day will never end and there will be no more sorrow, crying or tears. All that was a trouble to us on this earth will fade away in the glory of His Presence! Hallelujah and YIPPEE!!!!

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