Sunday, March 9, 2008

Hello Everybody!

Can anybody out there say with me, "I AM SICK OF SNOW?" If you live in the Northeastern part of the U.S.A. you know what I am talking about tonight! We have been overwhelmed with one snow storm after the other. This culminated in a HUGE storm system that hit Friday night and lasted over 24 hours. We were treated to an entire show of snow, sleet, ice, thunder, lightening, high wind and bitter cold. Add to that 15 inches of snow and ice and you have our weekend in a nutshell. We were not able to have church both services today, and I feel bereft. Our little flock was sorely missed, but we did enjoy a quiet Sabbath with plenty of rest and a small ride today. This afternoon the skies were "Colorado blue" and it was absolutely fabulous to see the pristine white snow glistening in the sunshine against the backdrop of evergreens and blue sky. Needless to say, I am looking forward to Spring. Yesterday, in defiance of my surroundings, I purchased seed for okra planting -- Yes, in 15 inches of snow, we traipsed to Lowes. I had so much fun checking out the different seeds for my flower and veggie garden I have planned for this year!

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