Thursday, November 1, 2007

Overflowing October Daze!

Hello everybody! It is with red face that I begin this latest update in the saga of our lives. Why? Because, I never posted one thing this last month, but here is why:
I have never had such a busy month in my life, I think.

This past month, we have hosted two missionary families, a college quartet, our ever-expanding youth group from the church, and two Workdays on Saturday the 21st and the 28th. Not only this, Alan also prayed with a dying woman to be saved then conducted her funeral (his 1st funeral) one week later. Also, our church people absolutely outdid themselves in expressing their love and appreciation to our family for "Pastor's Appreciation Month." The first Sunday we received a food "pounding" along with almost two-hundred dollars worth of gift cards to local grocers. The 2nd week a generous love offering was lifted for us. The 3rd week, we received a lovely dinner on Sunday, prepared by several of the gracious ladies of our church. I might add that it was fabulous! Then this past Sunday we received a card shower in which there were many kind and special words of affirmation for us. We are spoiled and well-loved and blessed by the precious people of our congregation. My conclusion to all of this love is that I want to strive to be worthy of all of this blessing and be the best person I can be to each of our parishoners.

As you can readily see, I have been too busy to know whether I am coming or going. I forgot to mention that I participated in a local cooking class, and Alan and I celebrated our 7th Anniversary on the 14th of October. Phew! I am worn out looking at this long list of "happenings!" I have many more things to tell, but for now I will stop and take this up later.

I am thankful for the verse that tells us, Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy-laden and I will give you rest. Soul-rest goes a long way in helping you to cope with the busyness of life. That is what I love about my precious Savior and Lord. God Bless You, dear friend.

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