Monday, July 13, 2009

Time has ceased to march and has begun to fly!!!!

Hello Everybody, I am once again embarressed to find myself so far behind in blogging....but, we have had a riotous two months going on. My mother-in-law had hip replacement surgery in June, we have had multiple car problems, a teething baby, tending to my exploding with weeds and produce garden, a GREAT music service with God's Bible School quartet, started a Kidz of Promise Kidz Club on Wednesday nights, getting ready for VBS (starts tonight) and taking teens to Youth Camp next week if they decide to go...(gasp, pant, pant, gulp.....) Do you see why you have not heard from me in awhile?
I am sooooo happy to be busy though. Thank God for His help in our fledgling ministries at the church! We are so excited to see what God is doing and how His Spirit is working in the lives of people around us, drawing them to come to Jesus!! Keep us in your prayers for this week as we work with many little children!!!! More when I have time...